Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Mock Exams

Geography Mock Exams:

Human Geography Monday 28th February period 1
Population question + fieldwork question

Physical Geography Tuesday 1st March period 5
Rivers question + rivers skills question

In each exam you will be set a question from a geog1 past paper and 1 question from a geog2 (skills) paper.  Each question should take about half an hour to complete, so each exam will be one hour.

Factors affecting Coastal Erosion at Lulworth

Homework for Thursday 17th February.

Read the A3 information sheets provided, and the textbook, pp 79-82.

Answer all questions on the task sheet, Case Study of Landforms of Coastal Erosion - Lulworth, Dorset.

NB Make sure your answers are in the form of notes that you can revise from later - ie use full sentences and either write out the questions, or refer back to the question, eg Q  What is a wave-cut platform?  A  A wave-cut platform is....

Which factor is the most important factor affecting the rate of erosion along this coastline? 

Leave a comment on the blog to suggest your idea, and explain your view.

Describing Coastal Features

Today, we discussed coastal erosion processes and drew annotated diagrams to define these (elishba and amie, please do this for homework).

We then practiced drawing annotated sketch diagrams.  Remember the following rules for these:

1.  Draw the features in simple outline and name them correctly (eg beach, cliff, arch, stack)

2.  Add details about:
  • rock type - colour, faults and joints, vertical, horizontal or angled strata,
  • slope (gently sloping or steep)
  • vegetation (grass, trees, patchy or full ground cover)
3.  Add annotation to explain factors affecting these features, including:
  • Wave action (describe the wave types in the photo)
  • Erosion processes (name them)
  • Cliff top weathering (freeze thaw, chemical weathering, biological weathering etc....)
  • Human activity (footpath erosion, settlement, coastal management)
  • Evidence of tectonic activity