Thursday, 10 March 2011

Features of Emergent and Submergent Coastlines

You are producing an A3 revision poster for one of the following features of sea level change at the coast.  Be ready to present these to the rest of the group next week (finish case study research for homework due Tuesday):

Rias - Joe and Richard
Fjords - Jack and Essa
Raised beaches and relict cliffs - Darcie and Calum
Isostatic sea level change - Matilde, Rina, Thea
Eustatic sea level change - Daniel and Liv
Present and predicted impacts of sea level change - Amie and Elishba

Remember DEEP :
Describe/define the feature or process – a one sentence, clear definition.
Explain how it forms, how the process operates, or what the effects of the process are.
Example case study – quote located details about a specific example, eg map and information about how it formed...
Picture – find a photo or draw a simple diagram of your feature or process and annotate it with key features/located detail


Friday, 4 March 2011

Easter Revision Sessions - what do you think?

We are proposing to offer some revision sessions in the Easter holidays:

1-2 pm (room 18)  Physical Geography with Mrs Wheeldon
2-3 pm  (room 17) Human Geography with Miss Tudor
The aim of these sessions will be to practice key revision techniques and past papers to support your Easter revision.
Please comment on the blog to confirm whether you will attend these sessions.


Factors affecting the rate of coastal erosion

Last lesson we reviewed some of the processes affecting the rate of erosion at the coast, including wave refraction and geology.  Remember to refer to your photocopied handouts on this (the posters you all produced in class).

We have also created an annotated diagram of the formation of a spit - read the section in the textbook on this, and finish your annotation.  Be ready to use your notes to solve a mystery in Tuesday's lesson.

Homework:  Exam questions (double-sided sheet) are due to be completed for Tuesday 8th March.