Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Comparing flood management in Bangladesh and Carlisle

Essay title (Homework due in Tuesday 25th January):  Compare and contrast the ways in which flood risk is managed in countries at different stages of development (15 marks)

To prepare for this essay:

We have compared the causes and effects of flooding in Bangladesh and Carlisle and discussed some of the factors that influence those differences (wealth, scale, technology, physical location...).

We have summarised the short-term and long-term management responses to flooding in Bangladesh.  You need to finish your evaluation of this - what are the positive benefits and negative disadvantages for these plans?  How are they appropriate for Bangladesh?

In Thursday's lesson we will evaluate flood management in Carlisle.  In preparation for this, use pp38-41 in your Carlisle handout to list the short and long term flood management there (Create a table like the one we used for Bangladesh).  Useful websites for this:

BBC news online - pictures of short-term responses
Environment Agency
Geographical Association


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